Services→ Food Sensitivity & Wellness Testing

Food Sensitivity & Wellness Testing

Acupressure Boca Raton

ALCAT testing
Our Food Sensitivity and Wellness Testing provides us with results that can catch early signs of disease with telomere length test, measure your nutrition on a cellular level with the ALCAT food sensitivity test, and receive a better reflection of your bodies functions such as immune, detoxification, and energy production with the Methyldetox profile. Food sensitivities do not involve the specific immune system, but the innate immune system. Food sensitivities cause a chronic inflammatory process. Food sensitivities, unlike IgE allergies, do not require exposure to a food to “prime” them. Sensitivities manifest a wide variety of symptoms. Some may be gastrointestinal, fatigue, headaches, and “brain fog” — feeling muddled in thought, migraines, arthritis, etc. Sensitivities, however, do not cause immediate allergy symptoms. Some sensitivities are reactions to chemicals added to foods for flavoring, coloring or preserving. Sometimes people with food sensitivities can handle small amounts of the food they’re sensitive to. When it comes to an IgE food allergy, even a bit of the allergen is enough to trigger a reaction, therefore, people with IgE food allergies must avoid the foods they are allergic to completely.

The Alcat Test is a highly sensitive, objective test for assessing which foods, chemicals and herbs you may be intolerant or sensitive to. The Alcat Test identifies food, chemical and herbal sensitivities where the symptom onset is longer (several hours to days) and varied (typical in chronic conditions). These types of sensitivities affect nearly 80% of the population.

Telomere length Testing

Are you aging faster than you would like due to telomere shortening?

Current research shows that telomere shortening contributes to cellular aging and susceptibility to metabolic disorders and chronic disease. According to scientific research, telomere shortening may contribute to aging and age-related conditions. Telomeres are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. They can be prematurely shortened when exposed to environmental chemicals, oxidation, inflammation, and stress. This leads to DNA damage and contributes to early cell death.

Associated conditions:

Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic degenerative conditions associated with aging.

Neurological conditions such as Cognitive impairment, chronic stress

  • Metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, glucose intolerance, obesity
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Immune-related conditions such as Hepatitis C, cancer, autoimmune disorders

Inflammation, Aging, and its association with Telomeres

Inflammation is associated with aging and telomere shortening. Telomeres become shorter after each cell division until eventually chromosomal DNA reaches a critical point at which the cell can no longer divide (known as the Hayflick limit). The loss of this protective telomere “armor” renders DNA vulnerable to damage and may result in an individual’s increased risk for accelerated aging and associated health conditions. If telomeres are maintained, then termination of cell division (senescence) and programmed cell death (apoptosis) can be delayed.

The test analyzes your average telomere length in white blood cells compared to the normal reference range for your age-matched population.

Advanced MethylDetox Profile:
More than 50% of people are affected by genetic mutations in the methylation pathway.
Methylation can play an important role in many chronic diseases. By understanding your genetics you can prevent and address these conditions with the right nutrition.

The MethylDetox Profile tests critical genes in the methylation pathway. The methylation pathway is the major part of detoxification and the metabolic cycle. Based on your genetics, this profile enables you to address many important chronic medical conditions by using nutrition and nutrient supplementation.

Comprehensive testing for methylation and detoxification

The Methyl Detox Profile gives more actionable information than MTHFR testing alone, giving you a more complete picture of your body’s methylation and detoxification. The MethylDetox profile includes Smart Commentaries, detailing recommended nutrients based on your genetics.

Standard MTHFR genotyping only evaluates folic acid metabolism. Scientific research reveals that a variety of genes are involved in maintaining methionine/homocysteine balance. Genetic variations (SNPs) in these important genes influence your methylation potential. Individual methylation is monitored using homocysteine levels. Important SNPs are included to evaluate your ability to methylate neurotransmitters, DNA and toxins.
Who may benefit from this test?

Individuals with any of the following diagnoses or symptoms, lab data indicating the tendency toward:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases e.g. hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke
  • Neurological Disorders e.g. depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD/ADHD, ASD, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, insomnia
  • Metabolic Conditions e.g. metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, reduced ability to metabolize medications, multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders e.g. osteoporosis
  • Eye Diseases e.g. macular degeneration
  • Cancer e.g. colorectal, breast, and others

ALCAT testing
Our Food Sensitivity and Wellness Testing provides us with results that can catch early signs of disease with telomere length test, measure your nutrition on a cellular level with the ALCAT food sensitivity test, and receive a better reflection of your bodies functions such as immune, detoxification, and energy production with the Methyldetox profile. Food sensitivities do not involve the specific immune system, but the innate immune system. Food sensitivities cause a chronic inflammatory process. Food sensitivities, unlike IgE allergies, do not require exposure to a food to “prime” them. Sensitivities manifest a wide variety of symptoms. Some may be gastrointestinal, fatigue, headaches, and “brain fog” — feeling muddled in thought, migraines, arthritis, etc. Sensitivities, however, do not cause immediate allergy symptoms. Some sensitivities are reactions to chemicals added to foods for flavoring, coloring or preserving. Sometimes people with food sensitivities can handle small amounts of the food they’re sensitive to. When it comes to an IgE food allergy, even a bit of the allergen is enough to trigger a reaction, therefore, people with IgE food allergies must avoid the foods they are allergic to completely.

The Alcat Test is a highly sensitive, objective test for assessing which foods, chemicals and herbs you may be intolerant or sensitive to. The Alcat Test identifies food, chemical and herbal sensitivities where the symptom onset is longer (several hours to days) and varied (typical in chronic conditions). These types of sensitivities affect nearly 80% of the population.

Telomere length Testing

Are you aging faster than you would like due to telomere shortening?

Current research shows that telomere shortening contributes to cellular aging and susceptibility to metabolic disorders and chronic disease. According to scientific research, telomere shortening may contribute to aging and age-related conditions. Telomeres are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. They can be prematurely shortened when exposed to environmental chemicals, oxidation, inflammation, and stress. This leads to DNA damage and contributes to early cell death.

Associated conditions:

Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic degenerative conditions associated with aging.

Neurological conditions such as Cognitive impairment, chronic stress

  • Metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, glucose intolerance, obesity
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Immune-related conditions such as Hepatitis C, cancer, autoimmune disorders

Inflammation, Aging, and its association with Telomeres

Inflammation is associated with aging and telomere shortening. Telomeres become shorter after each cell division until eventually chromosomal DNA reaches a critical point at which the cell can no longer divide (known as the Hayflick limit). The loss of this protective telomere “armor” renders DNA vulnerable to damage and may result in an individual’s increased risk for accelerated aging and associated health conditions. If telomeres are maintained, then termination of cell division (senescence) and programmed cell death (apoptosis) can be delayed.

The test analyzes your average telomere length in white blood cells compared to the normal reference range for your age-matched population.

Advanced MethylDetox Profile:
More than 50% of people are affected by genetic mutations in the methylation pathway.
Methylation can play an important role in many chronic diseases. By understanding your genetics you can prevent and address these conditions with the right nutrition.

The MethylDetox Profile tests critical genes in the methylation pathway. The methylation pathway is the major part of detoxification and the metabolic cycle. Based on your genetics, this profile enables you to address many important chronic medical conditions by using nutrition and nutrient supplementation.

Comprehensive testing for methylation and detoxification

The Methyl Detox Profile gives more actionable information than MTHFR testing alone, giving you a more complete picture of your body’s methylation and detoxification. The MethylDetox profile includes Smart Commentaries, detailing recommended nutrients based on your genetics.

Standard MTHFR genotyping only evaluates folic acid metabolism. Scientific research reveals that a variety of genes are involved in maintaining methionine/homocysteine balance. Genetic variations (SNPs) in these important genes influence your methylation potential. Individual methylation is monitored using homocysteine levels. Important SNPs are included to evaluate your ability to methylate neurotransmitters, DNA and toxins.
Who may benefit from this test?

Individuals with any of the following diagnoses or symptoms, lab data indicating the tendency toward:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases e.g. hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke
  • Neurological Disorders e.g. depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD/ADHD, ASD, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, insomnia
  • Metabolic Conditions e.g. metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, reduced ability to metabolize medications, multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders e.g. osteoporosis
  • Eye Diseases e.g. macular degeneration
  • Cancer e.g. colorectal, breast, and others
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