There are over 250 Chinese herbal formulas that can be used to treat acute or chronic conditions. When prescribing a formula, the patient’s constitution, tongue diagnosis, and pulse diagnosis are all taken into consideration. Chinese Herbal formulas are prescribed to support the protocol of our treatment plan. The Acupuncture and Herbal prescription work together to provide our patients with a high quality of service. Chinese Herbal Formulas are versatile and can treat a wide array of conditions from a headache to ankle pain. The theory that acupuncture is based upon is closely related to the approach of how Chinese herbal formulas are chosen for each individual. An important component of Chinese herbal formulas focuses on the areas of the body that are affected, this promotes continued healing even on day that a patient is not seen in the office.
In today’s world, there is great emphasis on health, natural remedies, and holistic treatment. Chinese herbal medicine is one method for this because it encourages the body to heal itself. The goal of Chinese herbal medicine is to treat the body’s ailments by locking in on the patient’s surroundings, assisting each patient to focus on their emotions and alleviate distress, and help to improve an individual’s general overall lifestyle.
Chinese herbal medicine has a variety of uses and treatments. Some of the ailments that Chinese herbal medicine can treat and provide relief from include allergies, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, and eczema.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is recognized as an umbrella term for several holistic treatments. These natural treatments under the category of Chinese Medicine include the rising in popularity acupuncture treatment, cupping therapy, nutrition, exercise, massage, moxibustion, and of course, Chinese herbal medicine. A crucial part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal medicine involves the use of several unique herbs, minerals, teas, and additional extracts by herbalists.
A certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine understands which type or types of Chinese herbal medicine may benefit an individual. The course of treatment with Chinese herbal medicine is determined by the ailment that the individual has and the professional will know the correct amounts that need to be used.
The advantages from using Chinese herbal medicine are great. From providing relief to complete restoration, chinese herbal medicine is able to provide significant positive changes in an individual with ailments.
Targets Causes of Ailment
Chinese herbal medicine does not just treat the symptoms of an illness. While modern medicine focuses on treating the symptoms, the idea of Chinese herbal medicine is to get down to the causes and conditions to provide overall relief.
Pushes the Body to Heal
As a natural treatment, Chinese herbal medicines tell the body to heal and help it to heal using its natural resources. This includes providing proper nourishment to the body and assisting the body in proper regulation.
Acts As Natural Detoxifier
Unlike modern medicine, a benefit from Chinese herbal medicine is that it can detoxify the body of unnatural substances and help reinstate the natural regulation of the body. Modern medicine can introduce certain unnatural chemicals, but Chinese herbal medicine gets toxins out.
Less Side Effects
When compared to modern medicine, Chinese herbal medicine has less side effects. This is because Chinese medicine is natural and does not put anything into the body that could contaminate it. When turning to a professional certified practitioner for Oriental Medicine, there shouldn’t be significant side effects because the proper herbs and correct amounts will be used.
To sum up, Chinese herbal medicine has incredible benefits and has stemmed from Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for over 2,500 years. Treating and providing relief for dozens of different ailments, this practice of Chinese herbal medicine has proved time and time again that it a powerful, natural way to combat illness.
There are over 250 Chinese herbal formulas that can be used to treat acute or chronic conditions. When prescribing a formula, the patient’s constitution, tongue diagnosis, and pulse diagnosis are all taken into consideration. Chinese Herbal formulas are prescribed to support the protocol of our treatment plan. The Acupuncture and Herbal prescription work together to provide our patients with a high quality of service. Chinese Herbal Formulas are versatile and can treat a wide array of conditions from a headache to ankle pain. The theory that acupuncture is based upon is closely related to the approach of how Chinese herbal formulas are chosen for each individual. An important component of Chinese herbal formulas focuses on the areas of the body that are affected, this promotes continued healing even on day that a patient is not seen in the office.
In today’s world, there is great emphasis on health, natural remedies, and holistic treatment. Chinese herbal medicine is one method for this because it encourages the body to heal itself. The goal of Chinese herbal medicine is to treat the body’s ailments by locking in on the patient’s surroundings, assisting each patient to focus on their emotions and alleviate distress, and help to improve an individual’s general overall lifestyle.
Chinese herbal medicine has a variety of uses and treatments. Some of the ailments that Chinese herbal medicine can treat and provide relief from include allergies, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, and eczema.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is recognized as an umbrella term for several holistic treatments. These natural treatments under the category of Chinese Medicine include the rising in popularity acupuncture treatment, cupping therapy, nutrition, exercise, massage, moxibustion, and of course, Chinese herbal medicine. A crucial part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal medicine involves the use of several unique herbs, minerals, teas, and additional extracts by herbalists.
A certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine understands which type or types of Chinese herbal medicine may benefit an individual. The course of treatment with Chinese herbal medicine is determined by the ailment that the individual has and the professional will know the correct amounts that need to be used.
The advantages from using Chinese herbal medicine are great. From providing relief to complete restoration, chinese herbal medicine is able to provide significant positive changes in an individual with ailments.
Targets Causes of Ailment
Chinese herbal medicine does not just treat the symptoms of an illness. While modern medicine focuses on treating the symptoms, the idea of Chinese herbal medicine is to get down to the causes and conditions to provide overall relief.
Pushes the Body to Heal
As a natural treatment, Chinese herbal medicines tell the body to heal and help it to heal using its natural resources. This includes providing proper nourishment to the body and assisting the body in proper regulation.
Acts As Natural Detoxifier
Unlike modern medicine, a benefit from Chinese herbal medicine is that it can detoxify the body of unnatural substances and help reinstate the natural regulation of the body. Modern medicine can introduce certain unnatural chemicals, but Chinese herbal medicine gets toxins out.
Less Side Effects
When compared to modern medicine, Chinese herbal medicine has less side effects. This is because Chinese medicine is natural and does not put anything into the body that could contaminate it. When turning to a professional certified practitioner for Oriental Medicine, there shouldn’t be significant side effects because the proper herbs and correct amounts will be used.
To sum up, Chinese herbal medicine has incredible benefits and has stemmed from Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for over 2,500 years. Treating and providing relief for dozens of different ailments, this practice of Chinese herbal medicine has proved time and time again that it a powerful, natural way to combat illness.