Acupoint Injection Therapy can be beneficial for acute or chronic pain, weight loss protocol, helping the body to detox, and cosmetic acupuncture. Acupoint injection therapy is used to administer a therapeutic substance into specific acupuncture points. There are a variety of homeopathic formulas that are used for particular conditions. Each injection is adjusted to the patient’s needs. We use Vitamin B12 to increase red blood cells, maintain and support nerve cells, as well as help the production of white blood cells to improve the immune systems. Injection therapy has shown phenomenal improvement for patients that suffer with chronic or acute pain. By using Acupoint Injection Therapy, the homeopathic remedy that is needed goes directly into the bloodstream resulting in a quicker response.
Acupoint Injection Therapy can be beneficial for acute or chronic pain, weight loss protocol, helping the body to detox, and cosmetic acupuncture. Acupoint injection therapy is used to administer a therapeutic substance into specific acupuncture points. There are a variety of homeopathic formulas that are used for particular conditions. Each injection is adjusted to the patient’s needs. We use Vitamin B12 to increase red blood cells, maintain and support nerve cells, as well as help the production of white blood cells to improve the immune systems. Injection therapy has shown phenomenal improvement for patients that suffer with chronic or acute pain. By using Acupoint Injection Therapy, the homeopathic remedy that is needed goes directly into the bloodstream resulting in a quicker response.